The evolution of the typewriter over the years has played an ongoing part of the history of the human need to communicate with others. The invention of the typewriter was brought about in part by combining the need for both speed of communication and for the binding of reading and writing. After many years of thought a machine emerged that would revolutionize the work of a writer that would have normally been done by hand.The first typewriter was invented by Christopher Latham Sholes, and was marketed by the Remington Arms Company in 1873. The process of the type bars in the earliest typewriters was labeled slow, and tended to jam frequently. To fix this problem, Mr. Sholes obtained a list of the most common letters used in the English language, he rearranged his keyboard from a alphabetic arrangement to one in which the most common pairs of letters were spread far apart on the keyboard. Because of the “hunt and peck” method used by typist at the time, Sholes’s arrangement increased the time it took for the typist to hit the keys for common two letter c
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